About Me

I woke up to spiritual life at age 20 when I started practicing Kung Fu. After my first few weeks of training I remember having this series of thoughts: “In order to master Kung Fu I must get more flexible, to do this I need to clear my energy, and to do this I must heal my emotions”. Looking back I can say I had no idea what I was stepping into or how profound that insight would end up being. It has been over 20 years since then and now I’m hoping to share with others what I have learned in that time.

After years of Kung Fu with Damon Honeycutt and Yin Yoga with Paul Grilley I met my soul’s teacher, Dianne. Meeting her feels like destiny to me. I will tell a quick story to explain this: I was planning to do a trial as a monk with Self Realization Fellowship (Yogananda’s organization) in California. The bus to take me there didn’t show up and after hours of waiting in the rain I called the bus company. They had lost contact with the bus and didn't even know where it was. So I never made it to Self Realization Fellowship. Shortly after I met Dianne and she took me as a client in her healing practice and then as a student. I consider it a divine intervention that the bus “disappeared”. Dianne has taught me everything I had dreamed of from the yogic/monastic life. I could not have dreamed of a better teacher.

At the same time I was having this profound spiritual journey I was studying everything I could about human anatomy & physiology, Chinese medical theory, fascia research, and clinical massage techniques. In 2006 I attended the Ashland Institute of Massage to get my massage license. I was hired to teach the kinesiology course at AIM the next year. I have been working full time as a licensed massage therapist since then and I have now been teaching at AIM for 17 years. I have taught kinesiology, A&P, pathology, energy theory for massage, eastern massage, and clinical massage (a program that I authored). I have written a teaching curriculum for my body work, FASCIA ENERGETICS, that I have taught in many CEU classes for LMT’s. Additionally, I have been teaching kung fu and chi gong, and meditation in Portland OR, since 2017.