Healing Arts


Healing is not going back to how things were before the pain. It is clearing the blockage and taking the next step on the path of perpetual change.


Fascia Energetics

This is a form of bodywork that I have been developing since 2006. It’s core principle is that the bodies fascia is the tissue of the Chinese meridian system. In light of this, it is apparent that treating the fascia is also treating the flow of chi in the body. I have combined my 25 years of anatomy studies and 20 years of chi gong practice to develop a system of treatment deeply clears and balances the fascia/chi system.

The 2 primary goals of this work are to deeply and quickly correct restrictions in the fascia to align the body and reduce pain, and to establish long term correction of chi flow to clear stagnation and restore the fundamental constitution of the body.

About Fascia

Fascia is the most abundant tissue in the body. It exists in every tissue system: muscles, bones, nerves, blood vessels, and organs. It has almost no elasticity and is the primary tissue involved chronic tension, restriction, inflammation, pain, and postural imbalance. It is also the tissue of the Chinese meridian system. It has a conductive role that is very similar to the nervous system (Chi flow). When the structure of the fascia changes it affects the flow of chi that circulates through it.

Treating the structure of the fascia, guided by kinesiology and the meridian system, corrects both the functional and circulatory roles of the tissue.

About the Bodywork

Fascia energetics body work is a very deep and corrective combination of massage and energy work. In each session I work through the body in a systematic way to release restriction in the deep and superficial layers of fascia, the muscles tissue, and I use energy work to clear stagnation in the chi directly. During the massage I put your body into different yoga poses and perform deep massage techniques to release the fascia in the tissue being stretched by the yoga poses. This causes a very deep release of tension and stagnation from the tissues. The long term goal of this is to balance the fascia of every joint in the body to correct chi flow and joint function.

Correcting the fascia of the spine is the ultimate goal of this system, correct chi flow of the spine is one of the keys to a healthy and vital life.

About the Energy Work

The energy work I do is a result of over 20 years of chi gong and meditation practice. Correcting the flow of energy is equally important to correcting the tissues for a positive therapeutic response. I have a “clinical assessment” approach to the chi. This focuses on the role of chi in fascia health, muscle function, inflammation, breathing patterns, stress responses. The primary goals are to clear stagnation from the tissues and spine, and to balance the energy of the 3 Dan Tian (I call them the 3 centers).

Foundations in Kung Fu

The foundations of most of my work are based in what I learned studying Kung Fu. I started at age 20 and spent 8 years practicing 7 days a week for no less that 4 hours a day (usually much more). My work in the healing arts started in 2005 with a couple in their late 70’s who’s daughter hired me to work with them to keep their bodies moving and strong. This inspired me to figure out which aspects of the martial arts and chi gong could be applied directly to the well being of an older couple. Because they didn’t have any interest in either subject, I ended up focusing on the strength, alignment, vitality, and efficiency of the body. I used the basic training of martial arts (stances, stretches, breathing, mind body connection). What I offer today is the result of my ongoing development of what started then.

Spiritual Healing Sessions

These sessions are for people who want to do deep emotional and spiritual healing through energy work. I work with Angelic presence to clear dense energy patterns in the chakras and energy field.